Meteor Events

November 4, 2024


Meteorite Strewn Field Maps, News, and Reports


KML or KMZ files are often used to share geographic data and they are most often used in Google Earth software. KML stands for Keyhole Markup Language, which is an XML notation used to store geographic data in the files. KMZ files are simply a zipped version of KML files, which can also contain image overlays and other referenced content.

On most meteor events documented on Strewnify, you will find an attached KMZ file, containing the StrewnLAB strewn field and the meteor path, along with any documented finds.

Meteorite Hunters, you can open strewn field maps in KMZ or KML format your mobile device!

Follow the instructions below.

Instructions for viewing a KMZ or KML file:

  1. Download the Google Earth application from the Google Earth Website or the App Store on your mobile device.
  2. Download the KML or KMZ file to your device, from Strewnify or other source.
  3. Load the file into Google Earth
    • Desktop or Android users can open the file from the location where it was saved (downloads folder, messaging app, etc.)
    • Apple users will need to load the file inside the Google Earth app, by clicking My Places. At the bottom of the screen, there should be a link to “Import KML file”. It will import a KMZ as well.

Note: The Google Earth app does not automatically update user location. Mobile users will need to update their location manually to see their “blue dot” move.

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