Meteor Events

February 18, 2025


Meteorite Strewn Field Maps, News, and Reports

San Isidro, Texas, USA

2 min read

San Isidro, Texas, USA – Wednesday, February 15, 2023, 5:22 PM local time, A large meteor fireball was observed heading northwest near the Mexican border, ending near the Texas town of McAllen. Doppler data was released by NASA, and booms were heard in the area, so meteorites are likely.

Entry Date/Time:2023-02-15 23:32 UTC
End Location:30km N of the Mexico border
Endpoint Coordinates:26.6955°N, 98.8508°W
Reference Altitude:~19 km above sea level
Energy / Mass Estimate:~12 tonne TNT / ~450 kg
Reference Speed:~15 km/s
Bearing:330° NNW
Slope:54° from vertical
Estimated Strewn Mass:< 100 kg
Estimated Fragment Size:unknown
Event Links:NASA ARES Meteorite Falls
AMS Event 1036-2023

Doppler Data

Doppler image provided by Dr. Marc Fries of NASA

The attached file contains approximate Doppler shadows, based on Dr. Marc Fries image. (We’ve been so busy with the 2023 CX1 event in France, we haven’t had time to download the data ourselves yet!)

Fun Note: To help keep track of which ones you’ve searched, I have named each Doppler signature in the KMZ file. For fun, I used popular baby names in Texas 🙂

Weather Data

The weather data below is sourced from weather balloons, and publicly available via NOAA’s Integrated Global Radiosonde Archive (IGRA). This data is downloaded and post-processed by the StrewnLAB algorithm, to account for changing weather patterns and weather balloon drift. The plots have altitude on the y-axis, in kilometers above sea level. The wind speed below 10km has large effect onthe drift of meteorites.

There were was a strong south wind at the time of the fall, so the meteorite landing points may be slightly north of the Doppler signatures, depending on how high there were detected. We can predict the shift, but it will take some time.

High winds from the south would have pushed the meteorites north of the trajectory
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