Meteor Events

February 18, 2025


Meteorite Strewn Field Maps, News, and Reports

Ejin Banner, Inner Mongolia, China 中國內蒙古額濟納旗

1 min read
Ejin Meteor

Ejin Banner, Inner Mongolia, China – July 29, 2021, 9:19 PM local time, U.S. Government Sensors detected a 0.13 kiloton event in the Inner Mongolia region of China, near the border with Mongolia. This was a large fireball, which came in relatively slow, and at a fairly steep angle, so fragmentation and a large number of meteorites are possible.

The area of the fall zone is very remote, more than 200 kilometers from the nearest settlement of Dalaihob Town and also directly in the center of the Gobi desert, one of the most inhospitable places on earth. Nonetheless, deserts are excellent places to search for meteorites and they will be well preserved here until they are found.

Event ID:Y20210729_13Z_47T
Entry Date/Time:2021-07-29 13:19:57 UTC
End Location:220km WNW of Dalaihob Town
Endpoint Coordinates:42.4°N, 98.4°E
Reference Altitude:26.4 km above sea level
Energy / Mass Estimate:0.13kt TNT / 5066 kg
Reference Speed:14.65 km/s
Bearing:64.6° ENE
Slope:14.5° from vertical
Estimated Strewn Mass:<1379 kg
Event Links:CNEOS

Search Efforts

Considering the size and speed of the meteor, it is possible that more than kilograms of meteorites are scattered across the desert of Inner Mongolia.

No known search efforts are in progress, but due to the size of the event, there will likely be multiple expeditions planned to search for meteorites. There is no known video footage of the event, and CNEOS data is not very precise, so the search area is rather large.

If you plan to hunt this strewn field, please join the discussion on social media:

StrewnLAB Search Area

A trajectory has been provided from CNEOS, and this data has been run through the StrewnLAB software to predict a search area. It is a large search area, because the trajectory of the meteor is not known exactly.

Note that weather data is not yet available for this event. Due to the low precision of the strewn field, wind is not expected to have a significant effect on the search area.

Please download and review the Google Earth files below for detailed maps of the search area. 

Ejin Banner StrewnLAB V2
StrewnLAB predicted search area V2 – note that there is a road that bisects the search area

Weather Data

The weather data below is sourced from weather balloons, and publicly available via NOAA’s Integrated Global Radiosonde Archive (IGRA). This data is downloaded and post-processed by the StrewnLAB algorithm, to account for changing weather patterns and weather balloon drift. The plots have altitude on the y-axis, in kilometers above sea level. The wind speed below 10km has large effect on the drift of meteorites.

There was very little wind, so drift was minimal
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