Meteor Events

December 1, 2024


Meteorite Strewn Field Maps, News, and Reports

Adrar Province, Algeria

2 min read
Algeria CNEOS Event

January 27, 2020 6:39 AM CET – U.S. Government sensors detected a large meteor fireball travelling WSW into the Algerian desert. Total atmospheric impact energy was equivalent to 150 tonnes of TNT, indicating a pre-entry meteoroid diameter of ~1.2 meters! The location is very remote, and meteorite hunting is regulated in Algeria, but there are almost certainly meteorites on the ground there.

Date/Time:01/27/2020 05:39 UTC
Location:70km northeast of Zaouiet Debagh
70 كم شمال شرق زاوية الدباغ
Reference Coordinates:30.4°N 1.5°E Google Map
Reference Altitude:32.5 km above sea level
Energy / Mass Estimate:0.15kt / 2885kg
Reference Speed:19.8 km/s
Bearing:244.4° WSW
Slope:67.85° from vertical
Event Links:CNEOS
AMS Event 506-2020

Search Efforts

If you are interested in searching for meteorites from this event, please join this Facebook group, which will be used to coordinate public meteorite search efforts in the area:

StrewnLAB Results & Data

The attached bulletin and KMZ files contain the StrewnLAB strewn field and mass zones.

StrewnLAB Strewn Field V2
Unfortunately, the area is very large and uncertain.  I would recommend staging your search efforts in the direction of El Menia, to cross the area as shown below.  This is just in case the search area is incorrect and you should look as many places as possible.  It is more likely to miny many small fragments, than a few large ones. Please let me know if anyone heard a loud boom noise in El Menia, and also if anyone saw the meteor break up into pieces as it fell.

لسوء الحظ ، المنطقة كبيرة جدا وغير مؤكد. أوصي بتنظيم جهود البحث في اتجاه المنيا لعبور المنطقة كما هو موضح أدناه. هذا فقط في حالة أن منطقة البحث غير صحيحة ويجب أن تبحث عن أكبر عدد ممكن من الأماكن. من المحتمل أن تقلل الكثير من الشظايا الصغيرة ، من القليل منها.
واسمحوا لي أن أعرف ما إذا كان أي شخص قد سمع ضجيجًا قويًا في المنيا وأيضًا إذا رأى أي شخص أن النيزك يتفتت إلى أجزاء أثناء سقوطه.

حظا سعيدا!
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21 thoughts on “Adrar Province, Algeria

  1. I have a Facebook Messenger group chat set up for the meteorite hunters. Message me on Facebook and I will add you to the group chat.

      1. Hello, thank you for contacting us. The problem with finding fresh falls in the Sahara is lack of video cameras. Without video data, it is very difficult to find anything. Please report your observations to and share this link with anyone who saw the meteors. You may email me at for more info.

  2. هل من جديد عن نيزك ادرار انا كنت من الأوائل الذين ذهبوا هناك والأسف لم نجد شئ

    1. No news, I don’t think it was ever found, but the search area is very large. It would be worthwhile to keep searching.

        1. أنا آسف ، أنا لست ساحرًا. لا يمكنني إنتاج البيانات حيث لا توجد كاميرات.

      1. السلام عليكم أخي هل يمكن رصد الشهب والنيازك أقصد هل توجد أقمار صناعية مخصصة لذلك

        1. There are government satellites and ground-based sensors that detect the largest meteors. The meteor in Adrar was detected using this network, as reported here: There is also the METEOSAT network, but I don’t think the data is accessible (I don’t know how to access it). Due to the lack of population density and ground-based cameras in North Africa, the only option for locating fresh falls is the U.S. Government CNEOS site that I linked.

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